Text: Exodus 26:30-37; 36:35-38
The Tabernacle had a door (outer vail) through which the Priests entered into the first room, called the Holy Place, to minister before the Lord at the Table of Showbread, the Candlestick, and the Altar of Incense. As Priests entered the door of the Tabernacle, they passed into another dimension of fellowship with God.
To be in the court outside the Tabernacle, or in the Kingdom, was one thing, but it was a special treat enjoyed only by those God had picked to enter the Tabernacle (to be in His Church).
Numbers 8:14-26- Levites were chosen (picked) by God for His service.
Duet 10:8- God separated the tribe of Levi (set apart for service).
1 Peter 2:9- Church members are “a chosen generation”.
1 Cor 12:18; Acts 2:47- God adds to His Church just as He chose Levites and Aaron and his sons.
Eph 4:4, 16- God has one body that we are called (chosen) to be a part of, that body joined together as a church.
1 John 2:19- Sometimes when God is not the One adding to the Church, they do not continue with us.
At the Tabernacle we see three groups of Israel:
- The Levites in the Tabernacle, the church (Acts 7:38 church in the wilderness).
- Those in the court, a type of the kingdom. Jesus told Nicodemus he could enter by new birth (John 3:1-3).
- Those outside the court, the world (Eph 2:11-12).
Coming into the court is typical of being saved (Col 1:1-13).
Coming into the Tabernacle is typical of becoming a church member (Acts 9:26-29; Romans 14:1; Acts 2:41-47).
Limited access:
Those who entered the Tabernacle were seen as a unique group. The priests were the only ones allowed, and just because you were a son of Aaron (high priest) did not qualify you.
Lev 21:16-21- not allowed into priesthood if not “clean”, or if you had a blemish.
The lesson here is to show not all the saved are in the Church. Only those that practice daily cleansing in their lives, as represented at the Laver, are able to fellowship with Christ in his churches (Exodus 30:17-21).
2 Cor 7:1- No one is in the Church just because they are saved (washed in the blood of Christ at the Brazen Altar). It takes cleansing at the altar and being a priest. Even if we are members of the Church, we may have our names on the roll, but are we able to enter and fellowship with God? You are there physically, but spiritually you may not be recognized by God.
2 Tim 2:19-26- Vessels of honor are those that are cleansed daily.
- Door of the Priests:
The door of the Tabernacle was only used by the Priest.
Heb 5:1- The Priest of the Tabernacle was taken from men, and ordained by men.
Rev 1:4-6 (v.6)– Christ has made Church members kings and priests unto God.
Rev 5:10- Kings and priests that will reign during millennial reign.
1 Peter 2:5, 9- As Church members, God makes us priests that are to sacrifice to Him. God makes us priests, not other men.
Heb 4:14-16- Under God’s leadership we have direct access to Him, to enter that door into the Tabernacle.
- Christ is the Door:
John 14:6- Jesus is the only Door. He alone is the Way, the Entrance and Door into the presence of God, in order for the saint to have communion and worship with God.
Acts 4:12- This is true for the sinner in salvation, Jesus is the only way to be saved.
- The door of the Tabernacle speaks of communion and worship, in that it was the way into the presence of the lamp stand, the table of showbread, and the golden altar.
- This holy place was the place of communion and worship for the priests, a type of the coming believer priests in the New Testament.
- As this was limited and exclusive, it did not allow mixed gatherings, combined worship of saint and sinner, and demands separation.
- In type, only priests entered the sphere of light, incense, and food in the holy place, the place of communion and light.
- Those not meeting priestly requirements of Israel were barred.
- The place of communion and worship is one to which lost sinners have no access until born again and a church member.
The five Pillars:
- John 10:7-9- Five stands for grace. God gives us life more abundantly even though we do not deserve it (grace = unmerited favor).
- Isaiah 9:6- Jesus was given five great names (Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace).
- The pillars were constructed of:
- Acacia wood – perfect humanity, as Jesus was perfect. The wood tells us that this Tabernacle was an earthly Tabernacle, not heaven itself (Heb 9:1).
- Gold overlay – John 1:14- The gold that overlaid the Tabernacle shows the Divinity, that God was present. Jesus as God took on flesh (twofold nature of Jesus) and His glory was shown to the world.
- A gold crown – royalty, Exodus 36:38.
- A brass foundation – sockets of brass; the judgment He met for our ransom. The Tabernacle foundation was 100 sockets of silver, the five pillars at the door were set in brass sockets. This was to show that to enter the Tabernacle, another judgment was needed.
1 Peter 4:17-19- When the priest entered the Tabernacle they were judged, they had stipulations that had to be met to be allowed to enter (and live). For us today, to enter and worship within the Church we also are to be in good standing with God.
Acts 20:28- The privilege of Church membership came at a price. Every time the priest entered the door, something had to be done first. For us, the shed blood of Jesus allows us to enter the presence of God, in this we pass the judgment.
Romans 14:7-12- We will all have to kneel before Jesus for judgment, especially as Church members.
The Inner Veil, Exodus 26:31-34:
Four pillars held the veil inside the Tabernacle, and separated the “Holy Place” and the “Most Holy place”, where God resided. High Priest entered here to offer sacrifice to God for the people.
Exodus 28:31-35- High Priest represented a mediator between God and the people. He wore bells on bottom of their garments so if they were killed, they would know by no bell sounds.
Hebrews 10:20- The veil represents Jesus, through Whom we have access to God.
Matt 27:51- Veil was rent (torn) when Jesus was resurrected, showing the barrier between us and God was removed; we now had access to God. It also showed Jesus’ sacrifice was accepted.
The veil was foursquare, showing the four gospels, as separate and complete within themselves, yet they perfectly harmonize in presenting an even fuller display of Jesus, His grace and love, His divinity, and His humanity, when complimenting each other in the presentation of Jesus’ life and ministry.
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